

Find below the public deliverables of AG-WaMED:

Deliverable 1.2.1Interim / mid-term Project Report

Deliverable 1.3.1Data Management Plan v0.5

Deliverable 1.3.2 – Data Management Plan v1.0

Deliverable 1.4.1Ethical Standards Report

Deliverable 1.4.2POPD (Processing of Personal Data) Report

Deliverable 2.1.1 Living Labs Methodology

Deliverable 2.2.1 – Consolidated Report on Living Lab Stakeholders mapping*

Deliverable Consolidated report on LL scenario modelling part 1

Deliverable 3.2.1 – Multi-objective programming solutions, alternative scenarios*

Deliverable 4.1.1 – Integrated governance and policy analysis report for LLs and at Mediterranean Scale*

Deliverable 5.1.1 – Assessment of blue and green water availability for agriculture in the Mediterranean*

Deliverable 5.2.1 – Optimal crop allocation in the Mediterranean region*

Deliverable 6.2.1Website and social media accounts and communication and dissemination material

Deliverable 6.2.2Updated communication and dissemination material 1

Deliverable 6.2.3Updated communication and dissemination material 2

*available upon request at

Scientific dissemination:

AG-WaMED Masterclasses:

Among the projects’ activities, we will organize 3 Online Masterclasses on the projects’ results, covering all the topics of the project
First AG-WaMED Masterclass, 26.6.2023
  • Webinar 1The role of Non Conventional Waters for Mediterranean Water Security: the AG-WaMED approach. Elena Bresci – University of Florence (Italy) – Material
  • Webinar 2 – The Living Lab Approach for managing Mediterranean water resource. Mohamed Bahnassy – Alexandria University (Egypt) 
  • Webinar 3 (two sessions)Simulation of Groundwater Artificial Recharge using Visual MODFLOW Flex software: a case study of Cheria basin, North-East of Algeria. Mouna Djellali, Omar Guefaifia, Chemseddine Fehdi – University of Tebessa (Algeria) – Material | Development of a decision support tool for the management of water resources for sustainable development in the mining basin of Gafsa (Southwest Tunisia). Fatma Karaouli – Institute of Arid Regions (Tunisia)Material.

Second AG-WaMED Masterclass, 20.11.2023

  • Webinar 1 Introduction and Setting up the SWAT+ model. Lorenzo Villani, Ismail Bouizrou, Giulio Castelli – University of FlorenceMaterial (Introduction), Material (Setting up the SWAT+ model)
  • Webinar 2 – Introduction and Setting up the SWAT+ model. Lorenzo Villani, Ismail Bouizrou, Giulio Castelli – University of FlorenceMaterial
  • Webinar 3 – Application of SWAT models in the dry Mediterranean Area. Fethi Abdelli, Mohamed Ouessar – IRA Medenine. Material

AG-WaMED dissemination events

AG-WaMED event for the 2024 World Water Day: Leveraging Non Conventional Water for Peace – video

Conference Participation:

  1. Athanasios RAGKOS, Giulio CASTELLI, Maria Cristina RULLI, Luis GARROTE, Mohamed OUESSAR, Mohamed BAHNASSY, Layachi GOUAIDIA, Jampel DELL’ANGELO, Elena BRESCI “The role of socioeconomic analysis in valorizing non-conventional water in the Mediterranean: Insights from the AGWAMED project (AGWAMED: Valorizing non-conventional water in the Mediterranean)” at the FONCIMED Seminar – Agricultural uses of water and intensification of production systems: what impacts on land resources? Evora, Portugal, 26-28.10.2022
  2. Paola BIANUCCI, Alvaro SORDO-WARD, Luis GARROTE “Trade-off Between Irrigation Demands And Environmental Flows” at the EGU General Assembly 2023 Vienna, Austria 23-28.04.2023 (POSTER)
  3. Davide Danilo CHIARELLI “The circular economy of blue water: potential application of brackish water in agriculture“, at the S4 Seminar – Building the energy transition through the technologies of environmental and civil engineering, Milan, Italy on the 28.06.2023
  4. Chloé NICOLAS-ARTERO, Jampel DELL’ANGELO, Fehdi CHEMSEDDINE, Latifa DHAOUADI, Fatma KARAOULI, Omar RAHAL, Mohamed OUESSAR, “Les eaux non conventionnelles en Algérie et en Tunisie : une approche critique des transitions environnementales” at the Colloque International La politique de développement durable au Maghreb, Rabat, Morocco, 5-6.10.2023
  5. Chloé NICOLAS-ARTERO, Jampel DELL’ANGELO, “Politiques publiques de production d’eaux non conventionnelles dans le pourtour méditerranéen” at the Séminaire thématique du LIED « Usages et partages de l’eau », Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France, 31.11.2023 
  6. Paola BIANUCCI, Alvaro SORDO-WARD, Luis GARROTE “Current and future blue water availability for agriculture in the Mediterranean” at the EGU General Assembly 2024 Vienna, Austria 14-19.04.2024 (POSTER)
  7. Giulio CASTELLI, Elia DEGLI INNOCENTI, Simone POZZOLINI, Elena BRESCI, Enrica CAPORALI “Modelling the effect of land use and crop changes on water harvesting agricultural reservoirs” at the EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19.04.2024
  8. Lorenzo VILLANI, Eleonora FORZINI, Giulio CASTELLI, Ismail BOUIZROU, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Enrica CAPORALI, Elena BRESCI “Participatory modeling of small reservoirs in the Orcia watershed, Italy” at the EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19.04.2024 (POSTER)
  9. Elena BRESCI, Eleonora FORZINI, Lorenzo VILLANI, Luigi PIEMONTESE, Mohamed BAHNASSY, Basma HASSAN, Rasha BADR, Osama RADY, Sami Z. MOHAMED, Fatma KARAOULI, Fethi ABDELLI, Omar RAHAL, Layachi GOUAIDIA, Luis GARROTE, Alvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI, Enrica CAPORALI, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Giulio CASTELLI “Participatory approaches for fostering non-conventional waters in agriculture: insights from 4 Living Labs in the Mediterranean region” at the EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14-19.04.2024
  10. Rayene Sirine RAMDANI, Mohamed Amine TATAR, Chemsedinne FEHDI “Approche intégrée de la modélisation numérique avec VISUAL MODFLOW Flex pour la gestion durable des ressources en eau. Cas de l’aquifère du miocène, région d’El Malabiod, Nord-Est de l’Algérie” Eau-Sol: Impact économique et environmental Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria 15-16.05.2024
  11. Luis GARROTE, Álvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI “Assessment of blue water availability for agriculture in the Mediterranean” IAHR European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal 4-7.06.2024
  12. Eleonora FORZINI, Lorenzo VILLANI, Giulio CASTELLI, Elena BRESCI “Participatory modeling of small agricultural reservoirs in the Orcia watershed, Italy” at the AIIA 2024 Conference, Padova, Italy, 17-19.06.2024
  13. Giulio CASTELLI, Elia DEGLI INNOCENTI, Simone POZZOLINI, Federico PRETI, Enrica CAPORALI, Elena BRESCI “Modelling land use changes impacts on the silting of small agricultural water harvesting reservoirs” at the AIIA 2024 Conference, Padova, Italy, 17-19.06.2024
  14. Elena BRESCI, Eleonora FORZINI, Lorenzo VILLANI, Luigi PIEMONTESE, Mohamed BAHNASSY, Basma HASSAN, Rasha BADR, Osama RADY, Sami Z. MOHAMED, Fatma KARAOULI, Fethi ABDELLI, Omar RAHAL, Layachi GOUAIDIA, Luis GARROTE, Alvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI, Enrica CAPORALI, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Giulio CASTELLI “Exploring non-conventional water use in agriculture through participatory approaches in 4 Living Labs in the Mediterranean region” at the AIIA 2024 Conference, Padova, Italy, 17-19.06.2024
  15. Álvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI, Isabel GRANADOS, Luis GARROTE “Effect of climate change on water availability in the Ebro basin accounting for the results of IPCC-AR6” (in Spanish) Jornadas Españolas de Presas, Barcelona, Spain 17-20.06.2024
  16. Luis GARROTE, Álvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI “Effect of ecological flows on water availability in Peninsular Spain” (in Spanish) Jornadas Españolas de Presas, Barcelona, Spain 17-20.06.2024
  17. Lorenzo VILLANI, Eleonora FORZINI, Giulio CASTELLI, Athanasios RAGKOS, Chloé Nicolas ARTERO, Davide Danilo CHIARELLI, Mohamed BAHNASSY, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Enrica CAPORALI, Elena BRESCI “The Val d’Orcia Living Lab of the AG-WaMED project: insights from modelling and participatory activities” at the AISSA under 40 Conference, Firenze, Italy, 26-27.06.2024
  18. Lorenzo VILLANI, Giulio CASTELLI, Eleonora FORZINI, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Enrica CAPORALI, Elena BRESCI “An efficient approach for simulating the effect of small agricultural reservoirs on water management with SWAT+” at the SWAT conference, Strasbourg, France 10-12.07.2024
  19. Lorenzo VILLANI, Eleonora FORZINI, Giulio CASTELLI, Elena BRESCI “Co-producing knowledge in the AG-WaMED project: the
    experience of the Val d’Orcia Living Lab” 
    at the Workshop working group 4 of the PROCLIAS (“Process-based models for climate impact attribution across sectors”) COST action, Laxenburg, Austria, 12-13.09.2024
  20. Eleonora FORZINI, Lorenzo VILLANI, Giulio CASTELLI, Luigi PIEMONTESE, Mohamed BAHNASSY, Basma HASSAN, Rasha BADR, Osama RADY, Sendiana SHAHIN, Sami Z. MOHAMED, Fatma KARAOULI, Fethi ABDELLI, Omar RAHAL, Layachi GOUAIDIA, Luis GARROTE, Alvaro SORDO-WARD, Paola BIANUCCI, Enrica CAPORALI, Gabriele BERTOLI, Tommaso PACETTI, Elena BRESCI “Involving stakeholders in research through Living Labs: the experience of the AG-WaMED project” at the VIII Congresso CUCS 2024. Università e cooperazione: le sfide contemporanee, Firenze, Italy, 12-14.09.2024
  21. Rayene Sirine RAMDANI, Mohamed Amine TATAR, Chemsedinne FEHDI “Numerical modeling using VISUAL MODFLOW Flex : integrated approach for the sustainable managment of water ressources. Case study: Miocene aquifer, El Malabiod region, N.E of Algeria” at the Sustainable water management and resource adaptation conference, Paris, France, 12-14.11.2024

Peer-reviewed scientific publications:

  • Ali Z, Saddik A, Essifi B, Erraha B, Labbaci A, Ouessar M. ClimInonda: A Web Application for Climate Data Management: A Case Study of the Bayech Basin (Southwestern Tunisia). Sustainability. 2023; 15(16):12382.
  • Paredes-Beltran B, Sordo-Ward A, Martin-Carrasco D, Garrote L. High-resolution estimates of water availability for the Iberian Peninsula under climate scenarios. Applied Water Science. 2024; 14, 167.

Ph.D. completed:

  • Dr. Zaineb Ali, Institut des Régions Arides. “Modeling of floods in Tunisian arid zones: Case Study of the Bayech Basin (Southwestern Tunisia)”, 2024



Prima Events:

Privacy Policy

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More information about the living labs will be available soon.